Red Seat helps clients make smart, informed hiring decisions through one of the most powerful assessment tools at our disposal: the Berke Job Fit Report and the subsequent Interview Guide. Be confident that the Berke Assessment was designed and validated for use in hiring.

why use a hiring assessment? 

Assessments offer an objective, non-biased view of candidates' personality, cognitive ability and skills. The Berke Assessment provides information specific to personality and cognitive ability in an easy-to-read report with accompanying interview questions to help the interview better understand top candidates. 

what will I learn by using the Berke Assessment? 

The Berke Assessment covers Personality Characteristics and Cognitive Ability. The personality section covers key areas such as responsiveness, detail orientation, assertiveness, extroversion and sociability. Personality assessments do not test for right or wrong, rather 'fit' to a position. For example a successful accountant may be highly detailed and not overly extroverted where a successful sales person is the exact opposite. 

Cognitive ability, or problem solving, is a key component to job success. The cognitive portion of the assessment evaluates intelligence as it relates to the position. For example, someone with high intelligence might get bored performing mundane tasks while someone at a lower intelligence level might be equally overwhelmed performing tasks beyond their level of intelligence.

Here’s how it works:

  • Red Seat works with clients to create a Job Profile through assessing current incumbents or by completing a Job Profile questionnaire. 
  • Job Candidates are sent an email invitation to complete the Berke Assessment online.
  • When completed, results are immediately emailed to Red Seat and forwarded onto our client. We provide our clients two easy-to-read reports:
    1. The Berke Job Fit Report which assesses assertiveness, intensity, problem solving, sociability, responsiveness and other important factors relevant to the position.
    2. The Interview Guide that provides a comprehensive list of questions for hiring managers designed to further understanding of candidates' skills and behaviors.


To get more details from our hiring experts, plus information on our 180-day performance guarantee, contact us.